Mini Moderns premier show on QVC

During the past few weeks Mark and I have been regularly visiting the rather glamorous studios of QVC in Chiswick, for a number of auditions and training days leading up to our first hour long Mini Moderns show which was live on the 2nd September.

The whole process was such good fun. Though live TV is quite a nerve-racking thought!

Before the show there were a couple of filming days we were involved in. The first piece of filming was here at the Mini Moderns studio with the lovely Will Gowing for QCAM – as an online introduction to us and our collections.Which was a rather nice way to end the week on a sunny Friday afternoon.

Watch it here:Mini Moderns QCAM qcam

On our second day of filming we spent a very enjoyable day on location with the QVC crew filming an introductory brand piece, which ran on air as a preview to our upcoming show.

Mark and I ‘mini modernised’ areas of the location house – styling two kitchen settings with both our Whitby kitchenware collections and our Metroland, Buddha of Suburbia and Darjeeling collections, and a closing image of Mini Moderns products in a more luxurious living room setting.

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Luckily we had just come back from a few days in Italy so at least we had a bit of colour in our cheeks!Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 17.32.15 copyScreen Shot 2017-08-24 at 18.33.12 copy

Then it was countdown to our live show…It was only when we were setting the timer to record it at home before we set off to the studios that it suddenly became very real! However we needn’t have worried as the team at QVC are so supportive and welcoming that our nerves soon disappeared and we had the familiar counting down in our earpieces (which thankfully we had got used to in auditions) and we were suddenly live – and there was no going back!



Mark and Keith in the QVC Dressing – all smiles!

Our host Jackie Kabler couldn’t have been more fun to do the show with and we really appreciated her support throughout the live hour – which rushed by. And as you can tell we had such a good time! Look out for our next full hour show soon…



Check the link for our live kettle presentation

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